Sydney: Episode 3 – The Red Cross and The Blue Mountains

Oh Sydney, you’re hard to get out of… My original plan wasn’t to stay longer than a week here. But thanks to amazing flatmates, I had a good reason to stay! Finding a job wasn’t easy. Keeping the job wasn’t easy. Indeed, was.
As mentioned before, I didn’t have enough signups and that day my career as a fundraiser for HRI ended. The day after I already found a new one! Same same but different!
Anyhow, I’m kind of finding a good balance between working and exploring. But I’ll probably turn my backpack towards Sydney soon. Facing north or south? I’ll flip a coin tonight about this decision.
Btw, the nice pictures that aren’t watermarked, are taken by the fresh photographer, Olga

Blue Mountains

One of the places to visit around Sydney, is definitely The Blue Mountains! My lovely flatmates have already been here a couple of times, so I had to find new friends to go with.
Couchsurfing (CS) to the rescue! I stumbled upon a CS event created by Phil, a CS veteran with around 133 positive references! My guy to go with. We ended up going with around 22 CS’ers to the Blue Mountains for a camping trip. We had around 10 different nationalities in our team. Phil was the only Australian, and he was born in New Zealand.
Our weekend-activities

  • The Three Sisters
    A famous spot with an amazing view next to the three sisters
  • Murphy’s Glen Camping
    Camping site with no signal
  • Skinny dipping in the nearby waterfall/shower/river at the cliff
  • Wentworth Falls
    Famous waterfalls
  • Empress Falls
  • Domino pizza’s and Jurassic world at Phil’s place

Bbq, collecting wood, campfire, marshmallows, campfire songs in everyone’s native language
The boy scout in me was enjoying this for 300%!
It was a great pleasure meeting all of you, and hopefully see you at the next meetup/weekend!

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Australian Red Cross

While driving to the Blue Mountains, I received a phone call telling me about my new job. Exciting as I was, I started this new challenge. I started working for AIDA, a sales/marketing company hired by the Australian Red Cross (ARC). My job was similar to the one I had before. Ringing door to door, I’d try to convince people to sign up to support the ARC!
Sounds like a good cause, right? The AIDA spirit wasn’t really focused on helping out the ARC, but more on making numbers and earning money. Again, I learned a lot but it’s not 100% corresponding with the creative spirit of Matsou.

Wolf of wallstreet money gif

Matsou Motion

During the few days I worked for AIDA, I received a couple of video projects. Correctly paid and enough work to get along for a few weeks 🙂
But I couldn’t do both jobs at the same time. Plus, I get to do what I really like to do!
Today I made it official, I applied for an Australian Business number!

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What next…

At the end of this week I’m leaving my flatshare. The rightful owner of my room is returning from travels, so I have to find a new place. After 6 weeks in the same place, the urge to move and travel again is kind of high…
South or North? I’ll see…
My client from India mentioned me flying over to India to work locally on some video projects… (nothing confirmed)
Today, I received an invitation for an Indonesian wedding in June in Sumatra…
My family is coming over in August, but I’m not sure where I will be…
Ah, maybe I should first figure out what to eat tonight! 😉

1 Comment

  1. Wow Mats. Shapoo, Blijf plakken waar je het naar je zin hebt. Reizen met geld is de maks, maar reizen met tijd is vier keer beter. Heb je enig idee van wanneer je in Noord-Amerika bent?
    Hou je goed!

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