Read about my new experiences in Melbourne. Combining freelancing in Motion graphics and exploring the beautiful city of Melbourne.
Motion graphics
Melbourne – Part 1: Bubble soccer, bye bye Wallace, Nemo and Dory

Easter Monday, 4pm. I finally found the time to write something about me and my latest miles. Time flies when you’re having fun, they say! Apparently I staid in Sydney for 8 weeks… Time to go then. 878km later, I made it to Melbourne… For free 😉 So far I’ve only seen my hostel and the […]
Sydney: Episode 3 – The Red Cross and The Blue Mountains

Oh Sydney, you’re hard to get out of… My original plan wasn’t to stay longer than a week here. But thanks to amazing flatmates, I had a good reason to stay! Finding a job wasn’t easy. Keeping the job wasn’t easy. Indeed, was. As mentioned before, I didn’t have enough signups and that day my […]