As you might have noticed, I haven’t updated this blog in a while and sadly I’m not planning to write more stories. This blog will stay live for the beautiful memories and for future references My photostream will keep being updated with my best pictures Read about my experiences in: Hereby my top-5 blogposts of […]
Posts that will appear in the slider on the front page
Time travelling, senoritas, tequilas and cervezas in Mexico

After spending 11 hours on an airplane next to one of USA examples how not to eat healthy, I arrived in Los Angeles. This flight was a journey through time and space… I’m kidding, I only crossed the international date line. As a result I arrived in Los Angeles the same day as I left […]
Team Taiwan, snow, hikes and more road trip fun in the South of New Zealand

After Jens left in Queenstown, I discovered that the weather would be good for the next couple of days. Especially Mt Cook had a positive forecast. I refilled the car completely and made my way to Mount cook. Not knowing that the next couple of days would have an Asian touch. Mt Cook During the […]
Hitchhiking keyframes through the north island of New Zealand

Kia ora! Hello, thank you, goodbye… In the Maori language, the indigenous Polynesian people from New Zealand. After finishing some last freelance projects from the library of Auckland, I prepared myself for my trip through New Zealand. Jens would join me and we would try to hitchhike all the way to Wellington. Before taking of […]
Bye bye Melbourne, hello Alice Springs!

I have to become more strict to myself. Almost a month since my last post, and already 9 months since I left from Belgium! Make the 9 month/daddy joke for yourself 😉 After 7 weeks in Melbourne, I finally got out of my comfort zone and went back on the road. It was an emotional goodbye […]
Melbourne – Part 2: Back at the mansion, keyframe bro’s and tourist in town

Read about my new experiences in Melbourne. Combining freelancing in Motion graphics and exploring the beautiful city of Melbourne.